Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kissing Cousins

Last weekend we had the opportunity to visit with my cousins Jodi, Lauren, and Lauren's friend Bridget who were all visiting from WI. My Aunt Connie & Uncle Doug had us all over for a delicious BBQ. Lisa & Jimmy had to work, so they enjoyed an early visit with Jodi and left Kady for GrampC & Grammy to take home for a sleep over at their house.

This gave Drew & Kady a chance to visit and play together for a little while. This lasted through Drew giving Kady bumps. Then she spotted his full head of hair which she so enjoys pulling. At this point Drew found it more fun to have the older girls chase him around the house and keep him occupied outside.

As Brenda, Dave & Drew were getting ready to go home, Drew had to make his rounds giving goodbye hugs & kisses and surprised us all by even giving "Cousin Kady" a kiss goodbye. (Sorry for the grainy picture, GrampC used his cell phone to capture the moment).

On Sunday after church, my Aunt Connie, Jodi, & I took the girls out to Hannah Nicole's to do a little wine tasting. Since Matt also had to work on Sat. and was unable to attend the BBQ, he and Rana (his girlfriend) joined us at Hannah Nicole's. It was such a beautiful day sitting outside relaxing and sipping wine. What a way to end a weekend and!


  1. It was a lot of fun! And the picture is too cute for words.

  2. Love the new site!!! The pictures are just too cute.
